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How to use the chgrp command on Linux


 The chgrp command on Linux changes group ownership of a file or directory. Why use it instead chown? Sometimes a Swiss Army knife is great, but when you really need a scalpel, only a scalpel will do it.

When to use chgrp

You use chgrp command to change group ownership of a file or directory. The chown command allows you to change the user's owner and the group owner of a file or directory. So why should you need or use chgrp?

For one thing, it's simple. Using chown only the group owner setting is slightly opposite. You have to be very careful with syntax. It is related to the correct placement of a colon ":". Make it wrong and you will not make the change you thought you were.

The syntax of chgrp is quite straightforward. It also has a neat feature that tells you in simple words what changes it has just made.

It is a specially built and dedicated tool for the task. Chgrp completely embraces the Unix design principle of doing one thing and doing it well. Let's see what it has to offer.


Change group ownership to a file

Changing group ownership to a file is very easy. You have to use sudo with chgrp. Groups are not owned by users, so whether a file or directory is moved from one group to another is not a decision for the average user. It's a job for someone with root privileges.

We are going to change the group ownership to a C source file called "gc.c.". We'll change it to the "devteam" group.

We can check the current owner values using lsthe -l(long list) option.

ls -l

This is the command to change group ownership. Type sudo, a room chgrp,, a space, the name of the group we want to specify as the group owner, a space and the name of the file.

sudo chgrp devteam gc.c

We check that the change has been made by using ls -lagain.

ls -l

We can see that the ownership in the group has changed from "dave" to "devteam."

If you want to change group ownership of a set of files at once, you can use wildcards. Let's change group ownership for all the C source files in the current directory. We use this command:

sudo chgrp devteam *.c

We can check that the change has been made as we expected by using ls -l.

ls -l

All source files in this directory have been modified so that the group ownership is "devteam."

Using the -c(changes) option chgrp will display the changes it has made to each file. Suppose we made a mistake, we wanted the C-source files to have their group ownership set to "researchlab." Let's fix that now. We use this command:

sudo chgrp -c researchlab *.c

The changes are made for us, and each one is listed as it happens, so that we can confirm that what we have changed is correct.


Change group ownership to a directory

Changing group ownership of a directory is just as easy. We can use this command to change group ownership of the "backup" directory.

sudo chgrp -c devteam ./backup

To be clear, this command will change the group ownership of the directory itself, not the files in the directory. We will use ls -lwith -d(catalog) to confirm that this is the case.

ls -l -d

The group ownership of the directory itself has been changed to "devteam."

 The recursive option

If we want to change group ownership of the files and directories stored in a directory, we can use the -R(recursive) option. This will lead chgrp to changing the group ownership of all files and subdirectories under the target directory.

Let's try this with the "backup" directory. Here is the command:

sudo chgrp -R devteam ./backup

We will review files in one of the nested subdirectories with the ls command, and we also check the settings of one of the nested subdirectories using ls.

ls -l ./backup/images

ls -l -d ./backup/images

We can see that the group ownership has changed both for the files in the nested subdirectories and for the nested subdirectories.

 Uses a reference file

So far we have explicitly stated the chgrp name of the group we want to use. We can also use chgrp the way that says "set group ownership to this file to the same group ownership as that file."


Let us set the group ownership of "gc.h" to be the same as "gc.c."

We can check the current settings for “gc.c” and “gc.h” by using ls.

ls -l gc.c

ls -l gc.h

The alternative we need to use is –reference alternative. The group ownership is copied from the reference file to the other file. Make sure you get the files the right way.

sudo chgrp --reference=gc.c gc.h

We use it ls to check that the settings have been transferred to "gc.h."

ls -l gc.h

The file “gc.h” now has the same group ownership as “gc.c.”


Using chgrp with symbolic links

We can use chgrp to change group ownership to symbolic links, or the file that symbolic link refers to.

For this example, we have created a symbolic link called "button_link." This points to a file named "./backup/images/button_about.png." To change group ownership of the file, we must use the –dereference option. This will change the settings of the file and leave the symbolic link unchanged.

Let's check the settings for the symbolic link using ls -l.

ls -l button_link

The command to change the file is:

sudo chgrp --dereference devteam button_link

We check that the symbolic link is unchanged using ls, and we will also check the group owner settings for the file.

ls -l button_link

ls -l ./backup/images/button_about.png

The symbolic link is unchanged, and the "button_about.png" file has had its group ownership changed.

To change group ownership of the symbolic link itself, we must use the --no-dereference alternative.

The command you use is:

sudo chgrp --no-dereference devteam button_link

We use it ls -lto confirm that the new group ownership is specified for the symbolic link.

ls -l button-link

This time, the affected element was the actual symbol link, not the file it points to.

 Nice and simple

Simple is good. This means that there is less to remember and less to be confused with. That should mean fewer mistakes.

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